Data Sheet

Hospice and Palliative Analytics, Utilization Tools, and Clinical Workflows
Increase conversions, predict & prevent unnecessary emergency visits, gain vital administrative insights, and drive clinical action.
Unique Value to Hospice & Palliative
Download NowProduct Modules
A Three-Pronged Approach to Simplifying Better Care and Financial Outcomes

Care Transition Module
- Know in real-time which patients are ready for a care transition
- Make care transitions as easy as a click of a button
- Gain insight such as mortality predictions (90% accuracy), PPS scoring, frailty flags, risk scoring, services outside of your care, and more
- Easily send patient data directly from one service line to another

Event Notification Services
- Gain connections into local HIE sources to know in real-time when a patient is being admitted for an emergency admission, hospital visit, or hospital discharge
- Notifications are real time, and are sent via email or text message
- Access predictions of who your potential high utilizers would be for a proactive approach, and which patients are mostly to readmit for a more proactive care approach

Value-Based Analytics
- Utilize reporting to increase success within payment reimbursement models including: cost predictions, HCC coding opportunities, Rx compliance, behavioral data, and more.
- Social Determinants of Health insights, assessments and coding opportunities.
- Health Equity Reporting via Area Deprivation Index (ADI) in to help meet CMMI diversity, equity, and inclusion requirements.